Benefits of Keeping Home Plants in Your Home

Keeping plants in the house can be an amazing way to help improve the quality of your air. Plants can clean the air by producing oxygen and helping remove dust and allergens from the air. These plants can also increase the overall mood of a room, making it a more pleasant place to be.

Air purification

If you're worried about air quality in your home, there are some simple ways to help. Using an air-purifying plant can increase your oxygen levels and make your home safer from diseases. Some plants can even reduce mould spores in the air. In addition to these health benefits, indoor plants also beautify your space and reduce stress.

Dracaena Massangeana is a great plant to add to your home. It grows best in filtered sunlight. This plant is a popular option among those looking to clean their home's air. Rubber plants are another great option for removing harmful chemicals from the air. They can filter xylene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Another popular plant is the snake plant. This plant will absorb formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and toluene. This plant is very low maintenance and will survive in most light conditions.

Improved air quality

Houseplants are great for cleaning the air around your home. They can filter out harmful particulates, oxygenate the air, and help reduce carbon dioxide levels. Plants are also capable of removing Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs), which are substances that have a high potential to be harmful to your health. These are released by household chemicals, paints, fabrics, and furniture.

A study conducted by NASA and published in 1989 found that common indoor plants can remove VOCs. Specifically, the study found that the ZZ plant, or the rubber plant, is good for removing VOCs, such as formaldehyde.

There is some debate as to the extent to which plants can improve the quality of your indoor air. However, research indicates that the average houseplant is a decent filter for benzene, trichloroethylene, and other VOCs.

Improved mood

Many people know that houseplants are good for your health, but do you know that they may also improve your mood? Studies show that keeping plants in your home can improve your overall well-being, boosting energy and even your sleep quality.

One study showed that interacting with a plant, particularly a flowering plant, has some of the same psychological benefits as visiting the forest. Plants can help reduce stress, blood pressure, and anxiety. They also help to improve air quality by removing carbon dioxide.

A 2015 study found that caring for plants reduced the stress of adult males. Researchers also determined that having plants around the workplace boosted productivity. This is a natural reaction because gardening and working in the yard are calming habits.

Help with allergies

Keeping home plants for allergies can be a great way to keep your air clean and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Allergies can be very uncomfortable, but adding some greenery can go a long way in helping you feel better.

The benefits of keeping home plants for allergies include improved respiratory health, improved air quality, and aesthetics. Some plants actually improve the air you breathe by removing dust, chemicals, and formaldehyde.

Adding a few plants to your home can also help you to stay cool in the summer. Increasing humidity can also help prevent colds. However, if you overwater your plant, it can promote mold growth. Plants such as carbon monoxide and benzene can reduce VOCs in the air. These toxins can contribute to various health issues, including lung disease and cancer. To know more about benefits of keeping home plants click here.

Succulent plants brighten up the room in any climate

Succulent plants can add a bright splash of colour
to any room. These easy-to-grow plants can be grown in the home, allowing you to have greenery in your house, even in the winter. There are wide varieties of succulents that can survive in different temperatures and conditions.

In order to keep your plant healthy, you need to pay close attention to its watering. Most houseplants need their soil to dry out before watering. Also, make sure that your succulent is planted in well-draining soil.

You also need to give your succulents a good amount of light. A south-facing window is ideal, as this will allow the succulent to soak up the sun. Some types of succulents can also tolerate indirect sunlight.


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